Teenaged Shenanigans.
New blog: It's my boyfriend and his best friend's blog (I'm just trolling on it. :)

Well obviously I'm awake and alive, I'm here blogging aren't I? But I'm also listening to Awake and Alive by Skillet. Check out Skillet's album Awake. It's has a lot more ballad-y songs and is just so calming and relaxing. Their last two albums were really good. Awake and Comatose, go listen children.

Haha that reminded me of how Lady Gaga calls her fans little monsters. Hehe I'm going to make up a name for you guys. Any suggestions? If you tell us on Twitter (@dinaandrose). Or Facebook (Dina & Rose).

Anyways the REAL REASON i decided to write a blog is well, a few reasons. Life is such, ugh no comment-o. But a friend of mine emailed me a story he wrote. And needless to sayIT WAS AMAZING!!!! The style was amazing, and the characterization was amazing. Props to you my friend, you know who you are (SHIT! That sounded creepy. Great next thing you know I'm going to be Facebook stalking someone. I'll stalk Dina :D hehe). Well school started last week, it already sucks. IB is the most challenging program offered in all US school, I know I checked. I better get into a good fucking college for this -________-. Anyways blogs will be sporadic.

Dina, who the hell knows when that bitch gonna update (still telling Andrew. I can handle my ish, so suck it bitch). Me? When ever something seriously inspires me, or I have some new poetry. I've got a few right now. I can for once say thank you for my Personal Project because it forces me to write a poem pretty much everyday. Ok well I've gotta go. Debate ishness to work on, woop (anyone hear the sarcasm in that besides me???)

Love all you guys, just an FYI just in case you didn't know that!

-Rose <3
I gots a phishy! Yay! Her name is Malý Raisa, which means Little Rose, cause she has a red tail. It's a betta phishy, and it's sooooo cuuuuutttteee. (Jesus I sound like my mother). *sighs*

Any who I just got back from getting my phishy and I'm all excited now. Even Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit aka MFSPS couldn't ruin my mood right now! :DDDDDDD I'll write a better blog later once I calm down.

Love you guys, bye!

-Velký Raisa <33333333
Yes my boredness won out yesterday. I was ready to bang my head against the wall, or do something else completely usless, but then I decided to do something useful. I made a twitter for this blog! And I'll try to make the Facebook today, no promises I've got packing and shaving to do (not as much as Dina did for trip to the beach, but ok, this might go to an awkward place so ANYWAYS....). I just wanted to let you guys know about it.

Love you guys! Check out our new ish!

-Rose <3

Twitter: DinaandRose
Facebook: Dina & Rose
Email: [email protected]

I got really bored so I decided to make a twitter for the blog. Go check us out at DinaandRose. I will also be making a Facebook page very soon. Add us, follow us, favorite us. You can also find me online by searching Evanishing rose.

Love you guys!

-Rose <3
Halle-fucking-lujah I'm alive! Yes it's official you're lovely, amazing, funny, obnoxious, crazy, funny, dirty-minded, and modst Rose is alive! But I'm on a dial up computer (yes those things still exist) so it's taken me over 30 minutes to load this so I can write. I will try to blog this week, but alas this computer loads so slowly that I resort to banging my head on the table till it loads (I might as well burn some calories while waiting, head banging burns 360 calories a hour!)

Anyways I'll be home to good ole home soon, my shower (I miss good water pressure!), and my laptop (wifi you are my one and only love, sorry in advance to any future husband or hookup). Anyways I'm going to go eat my weight in watermelon and fruit by the foots so bye guys!

I love you and I'm back!

-Rose <3
Ack! It's late, I'm tired, stressed from the doctor, I've been laughing my tail off from watching Kings of Comedy, and my vanilla and chocolate swirl tail is goin' to sleep. Two guys and two blogs tomorrow. Good night!

Love you guys!

-Rose <3
I posted a new blog on my site, not this one. And a new chapter on my RPG. Go read!!!!

-Rose <3
Today's guy up, go look at him. Extra sexy today!
Daily guy is up on  wall. Check him out!